The Human, His Mind and His God

Thursday, 31 May 2012



The human beings are bound to perform certain duties as the rulers of this earth.  Out of all the living things in this earth, it is the human beings who are blessed with superior brain functions.  Or in other words, God has created the human beings to rule this earth.  To rule the earth does not mean that they can use everything in the nature for their own benefits.

Of course the human beings as the rulers of this earth has certain duties to perform.  Their primary duty is to preserve the nature and transfer the same to the next generation.  It has to be born in mind that this earth and all its infrastructure are not meant for the present only.  We have to be aware that this nature was handed over to us by our ancestors and it is our duty to preserve it carefully and hand over it to the next generation.   Moreover, nature is not meant for the human beings only.  All the living things in this earth have a right in this earth as we human beings have and it is our duty to make sure that they are properly taken care of.

It seems that we have willfully forgotten this duty of the human beings and we are travelling through a path that is detrimental to the safety of this earth and its inhabitants.  We don’t even understand that the birth of the nations occurred just for a convenience of administration.  Our neighbour is not our enemy and there are no such things called our land and their land.  If we examine the history of the earth, we can very well see that we had been wrongly guided by our rulers and thus we began to see our neighbouring countries  as our enemies.   We had been taught by them to think only of our country and not to bother about what is happening in the other side of the world. 

We have taught by them to  invent new weapons which we can use against our neighbours.  We have been taught by them to point our nuclear weapons towards any city in this earth, so that we extinguish the whole population of a  region.

Similarly, we had been misguided by the religions also.  Religions had taught its followers that this the only religion which provides you a heaven.  The pragmatic thoughts of religious clergymen had exploited the human beings to such an extent that they even began to consider  other religions as something to be terminated from this earth.  This had given birth to the to very bad phenomenon of this earth  known as “terrorism”.

What happens  now is that we are slowly forgetting  our duty as human beings.  We often think ourselves only as Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Americans,  Europeans etc.,  but not as a single community that dwells in this earth.  And we are not bothered about preserving this earth and its nature and pass it over to the next generation.  Instead we think only of ourselves,  only of the present and we we forget about the next generation who has to succeed us.

Where will be this earth if things  move on the same path like this ?  Hopefully there are some isolated sounds  from all over the world against this.  It is a positive sign that we have begun to turn our ears to this sound.  Let us hope that a day will come when all the nations, their inhabitants and their rulers and all the religions understand the essence of human values.  Let us hope for a leadership that enlightens the whole world  to a bright future.

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